衆人施棺個案: 239
往生者陸志儉(LOKE CHEE KIAM),得年53歲。陸志儉是單身漢,之前是木匠,但因爲要照顧90多歲的年邁父親而辭掉工作,兩父子的經濟來源是靠親戚朋友資助。
有意捐助施棺費用的善士,可將善款匯入七里香慈善基金會戶頭,或通過Touch n Go/銀行電子錢包轉賬,隨緣樂捐。
✍️Coffin & Funeral assistance case No: 239
The man and his 90-year-old father live together for life, Unfortunately, the man accidentally fell to his death, leaving his elderly father to grieve alone. Qi Li Xiang Charity‘ coffin group provided coffin and Funeral assistance.
The deceased, LOKE CHEE KIAM (53 years old), is single. he as a carpenter, but he quit his job bacause ha had to take care of his 90-year-old father.The source of income of for both of them is from relatives and friends.
Few days ago, LOKE CHEE KIAM woke up in the midnihgt, he thought is was going to rain and ready to collect his clothes,Unfortunately he slipped from the window and fell downstairs to his death.
His elderly father still cant’ accept the fact that his son has passed away. Elderly father keeps asking others which hospital his son is staying in.Other felt sad when heard about it.
Qi Li Xiang Charity received requested for help, immediately sent member to understand and provide assistance , and handle the funeral affairs of LOKE CHEE KIAM.
Qi Li Xiang Charity provided one-stop coffin and funeral assistance under the entrustment of LOKE’ family, such as collecting the body, setting up the spirit, funeral, and columbarium.
Who are willing to donate the coffin & funeral expenses, may remit the donation to the bank account of Qi Li Xiang Charity or via Touch N Go ewallet.
After Qi Li Xiang Charity deduct coffin and funeral expenses, the balance of public donations will be use in FoodBank for poor families, charity fund for poor patients, children education funds and etc.
Qi Li Xiang Charity’ Bank account:
📌MAY BANK ACCOUNT NO :5070 9568 0848
If Donors who want request a receipt, please send the bank receipt or transfer receipt (screenshot or capture photo) to either one of communication channels following :
📧Email :persatuanqilixiang@yahoo.com
WhatsApp Link :https://wa.me/60125787497
📌FB :Persatuan Kebajikan Amal Qi Li Xiang 七里香联谊会善爱之家
Regarding coffin and funeral details, may contact:
☎MR.LIM : 012-4311789
☎MR.KHOR : 012-4788331
*ATT: In order to avoid repeated issue receipt by Qi Li Xiang Charity, donors please send the bank receipts to either one channels, such as email, Hotline and Facebook. Qi Li Xiang Charity was appreciate your understanding that the receipt process may take some time.
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