衆人施棺個案: 256
往生者KETTHIT JAJUMPA(泰籍華僑),得年49歲,與丈夫育有兩名尚在求學的孩子。
KETTHIT JAJUMPA生前是家庭主婦,在家照顧孩子,一家人的生活開銷是依靠丈夫從事脚底按摩工作來維持。
家屬說,KETTHIT JAJUMPA是在一個月前身體出現不適,過後到醫院檢驗,被診斷得了腦癌,沒料到病況惡化,日前不治往生。
本會受到委托,全程處理KETTHIT JAJUMPA的身後事,包括領尸、設靈、超度、擧殯、一站式的施棺援助,讓往生者得以善終。
有意捐助施棺費用的善士,可將善款匯入七里香慈善基金會戶頭,或通過Touch n Go/銀行電子錢包轉賬,隨緣樂捐。
✍️Coffin & Funeral assistance case No: 256
The forty-years-old woman unfortunately died of brain cancer, leaving her husband and a pair of children dependent on each other. They live in a difficult life. Qi Li Xiang asssits in handling the funeral affairs of the deceased and reduces the burden on the family.
The deceased, KETTHIT JAJUMPA (49 years old), had husband and two children who were still studying.
According to the family members, KETTHIT JAJUMPA siffered from physical discomfort a month ago. Later, she went to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with brain cancer. She didn’t expect her condition to worsen and passed away.
Due to her husband had a low income, he approached Qi Li Xiang through relatives and friends to handle the funeral affairs for the deceased.
Qi Li Xiang Charity decided to handled the coffin and funeral of KETTHIT JAJUMPA , and was entrusted by the JAJUMPA’ family member to handle whole process of KETTHIT coffin and funeral, such as collecting the body, setting up the spirit, funeral, and columbarium.
Who are willing to donate the coffin & funeral expenses, may remit the donation to the bank account of Qi Li Xiang Charity or via Touch N Go ewallet.
If Donors who want request a receipt, please send the bank receipt or transfer receipt (screenshot or capture photo) to either one of communication channels following :
📧Email :persatuanqilixiang@yahoo.com
📞whatsapp:010-3831789 https://wa.link/w7he1g
012-7884399 https://wa.link/ngdpr2
📌FB :https://www.facebook.com/qilixiangcharitymy
Regarding coffin and funeral details, may contact:
☎MR.LIM : 012-4311789
☎MR.KHOR : 012-4788331
*ATT: In order to avoid repeated issue receipt by Qi Li Xiang Charity, donors please send the bank receipts to either one channels, such as email, Hotline and Facebook. Qi Li Xiang Charity was appreciate your understanding that the receipt process may take some time.
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