衆人施棺個案: 296
往生者唐五连(THANG NGAIH LIAN),是缅甸华侨,得年28岁。唐五连单身,在5名兄弟姐妹中排行老大,生前是在一间餐馆内从事煮食工作。
有意捐助施棺费用的善士,可将善款汇入七里香慈善基金会户头,或通过Touch n Go/银行电子钱包转账,随缘乐捐。
✍️Coffin & Funeral assistance case No: 296
The 28-years-old a young man, who left his hometown and came to Malaysia to seek a living, died of organ failure a few days ago. Qi Li Xiang Charity’ coffin group assisted in handling the aftermath and fulfilled his wish by airlifting his remains back to his hometown.
The deceased, THANG NGAIH LIAN (28 years old) ,he is an overseas Chinese from Myanmar and single. He the eldest among five siblings, and was engaged in cooking in a restaurant during his lifetime.
His younger brother said that THANG NGAIH LIAN tripped over a stone not long ago and left a wound on his foot, but THANG NGAIH LIAN ignored it, thinking it was just an ordinary wound. Unexpectedly, the wound deteriorated a week later and was so severe that he could not walk around.
THANG NGAIH LIAN passed away at a young age, and his relatives and friends were deeply saddened and deeply saddened. Due to limited financial resources, his family member could not fulfill THANG NGAIH LIAN’s wish to return to his hometown, so they approached Qi Li Xiang Charity through charity channels.
After understanding, Qi Li Xiang Charity decided to handle THANG NGAIH LIAN’s funeral affairs, including assisting in collecting the remains, setting up a spirit, and repatriation of remains back to the hometown etc.
Who wish to donate the coffin & funeral expenses, may remit the donation to the bank account of Qi Li Xiang Charity or via Touch N Go ewallet.
Qi Li Xiang Charity’ Bank account:
📌MAY BANK ACCOUNT NO :5070 9568 0848
If Donors who want request a receipt, please send the bank receipt or transfer receipt (screenshot or capture photo) to either one of communication channels following :
📧Email :persatuanqilixiang@yahoo.com
☎️七里香热线 Whatsapp1️⃣ : 012-7884399
☎️七里香热线 Whatsapp2️⃣ : 010-3831789
📌FB :https://www.facebook.com/qilixiangcharitymy
*ATT: In order to avoid repeated issue receipt by Qi Li Xiang Charity, donors please send the bank receipts to either one channels, such as email, Hotline and Facebook. Qi Li Xiang Charity was appreciate your understanding that the receipt process may take some time.
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