
衆人施棺個案: 234


昂蓮傑(AUNG LIM KYAW)是緬甸華僑,得年38歲。他與妻子育有3名兒子,年齡分別是3歲、13歲及18歲,上面尚有年邁父母,生活負擔壓力重大 ,他只好離鄉背井來到馬來西亞工作,并在一家餐館工作,賺取生活費。
有意捐助施棺費用的善士,可將善款匯入七里香慈善基金會戶頭,或通過Touch n Go/銀行電子錢包轉賬,隨緣樂捐。
✍️Coffin & Funeral assistance case No: 234
The 38-years-old man with a wife, children and elderly parents in his hometown who still needs to be financial supported, left his hometown alone and came to Malaysia to seek a living.
Unexpectedly, he only came to Malaysia to work for 5 months, and died because of a burst blood vessel, which made his family members far away feel at a loss. His frends through locall people looking for Qi Li Xiang Charity‘ coffin group for assistance in handling the coffin and funeral of the man.
The deceased, AUNG LIM KYAW (38 years old) is an overseas Chinese in Myanmar. He and his wife have 3 sons, which is aged 3,13 and 18. There are still elderly parents on them, and the burden of life is heavy. He had to leave his hometown and come to Malaysia to work and work in a restaurant to earn living expenses.
He had complained to his colleagues about chest tightness and pain. His colleagues took him to the clinic to consut doctor and returned home to rest. After a short while, he fainted and was rushed to the hospital and died. The hospital informed that he died of a burst blood vessal.
After knowing situation, Qi Li Xiang Charity decided to handle AUNG LIM KYAW’ funeral affairs.
Qi Li Xiang Charity provided one-stop coffin and funeral assistance under the entrustment of Aung’family member, such as collecting the body, setting up the spirit, funeral, and columbarium.
Who are willing to donate the coffin & funeral expenses, may remit the donation to the bank account of Qi Li Xiang Charity or via Touch N Go ewallet.
After Qi Li Xiang Charity deduct coffin and funeral expenses, the balance of public donations will be use in FoodBank for poor families, charity fund for poor patients, children education funds and etc.
Qi Li Xiang Charity’ Bank account:
📌MAY BANK ACCOUNT NO :5070 9568 0848
If Donors who want request a receipt, please send the bank receipt or transfer receipt (screenshot or capture photo) to either one of communication channels following :
📧Email :persatuanqilixiang@yahoo.com
WhatsApp Link :https://wa.me/60125787497
📌FB :Persatuan Kebajikan Amal Qi Li Xiang 七里香联谊会善爱之家
Regarding coffin and funeral details, may contact:
☎MR.LIM : 012-4311789
☎MR.KHOR : 012-4788331
*ATT: In order to avoid repeated issue receipt by Qi Li Xiang Charity, donors please send the bank receipts to either one channels, such as email, Hotline and Facebook. Qi Li Xiang Charity was appreciate your understanding that the receipt process may take some time.
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